
All posted news events.


Jan 9 I will be serving on the Program Committee for the Sixth Young Architect (YArch) workshop!


Jun 16 I started as an R&D Engineer at Veridise today!
Jun 6 I successfully defended my PhD dissertation! The event details are here and my dissertation can be found here.
Jan 10 I will be serving on the Program Committee for the Fifth Young Architect (YArch) workshop!


Mar 7 UMich CoE awarded me the Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement! Here’s the official announcement on the CSE webpage.
Jan 6 First day of teaching EECS 582 this semester! If you’re a current student, check the course webpage here (or my personal teaching page)!


Dec 19 I will be serving on the Program Committee for the Fourth Young Architect (YArch) workshop!
Nov 10 I will be teaching Advanced OS (EECS 582) next semester! Check out my teaching page for more info!
Sep 24 I have been selected to serve on The College of Engineering’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Advisory Board!
Aug 8 I will be serving on the Artifact Evaluation Committee for SOSP 2021.
Jul 15 I will be serving on the External Review Committee for ASPLOS 2022.
Jul 14 I was invited to give a preview session talk about the state of Persistent Memory research for OSDI 2021 (and co-located ATC 2021)! You can watch it here!
Mar 13 Our work (led by Tanvir Ahmed Khan), “DMon: Efficient Detection and Correction of Data Locality Problems using Selective Profiling”, has been accepted to OSDI ‘21!
Jan 29 My talk, “Towards Bug-free Persistent Memory Applications”, will be presented at NVMW ‘21!
Jan 9 Agamotto has been recognized with an IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention!


© Copyright 2024 Ian Glen Neal. Powered by Jekyll with the al-folio theme. Hosted by GitHub Pages. Last updated: January 26, 2024.
Dec 21 I accepted an invitation to serve as a member of JSys’s Student Editorial Board!
Dec 11 My publication, “Rethinking File Mapping Structures for Persistent Memory”, has been accepted to FAST ‘21!
Nov 18 Hippocrates has been accepted to ASPLOS ‘21!
Aug 15 Agamotto has been accepted to OSDI ‘20!