
Publications by categories in reversed chronological order.



  1. Automating the Detection and Correction of Failures in Modern Persistent Memory Systems
    Ian Neal
    July 2023

Peer-Reviewed Publications


  1. USENIX Sec’21
    DOLMA: Securing Speculation with the Principle of Transient Non-Observability
    In 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21)
    August 2021
  2. OSDI’21
    DMon: Efficient Detection and Correction of Data Locality Problems using Selective Profiling
    Tanvir Ahmed Khan, Ian Neal, Gilles Pokam, Barzan Mozafari, and Baris Kasikci
    In 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 21)
    July 2021
  3. ASPLOS’21
    HIPPOCRATES: Healing Persistent Memory Bugs Without Doing Any Harm
    Ian Neal, Andrew Quinn, and Baris Kasikci
    In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)
    April 2021
  4. FAST’21
    Rethinking File Mapping for Persistent Memory
    In 19th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 21)
    February 2021


  1. OSDI’20
    AGAMOTTO: How Persistent is your Persistent Memory Application?
    Ian Neal, Ben Reeves, Ben Stoler, Andrew Quinn, Youngjin Kwon, Simon Peter, and Baris Kasikci
    In 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 20)
    November 2020
    Awarded IEEE Micro Top Picks 2021 Honorable Mention!


  1. MICRO’19
    NDA: Preventing speculative execution attacks at their source
    Ofir Weisse, Ian Neal, Kevin Loughlin, Thomas F Wenisch, and Baris Kasikci
    In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
    October 2019


  1. ATC’18
    TxFS: Leveraging File-System Crash Consistency to Provide ACID Transactions
    In Proceedings of the 2018 USENIX Conference on Usenix Annual Technical Conference
    July 2018

Workshop Papers


  1. NVMW’21
    Towards Bug-free Persistent Memory Applications
    Ian Neal, Andrew Quinn, and Baris Kasikci
    March 2021

Invited Talks


  1. OSDI’21
    Preview: Persistent Memory
    Ian Neal
    At 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 21)
    July 2021



  1. User-specific video frame brightness filter
    Matthew Richard Wozniak, Mehmet Kucukgoz, Holly Helene Pollock, Ian Glen Neal, and Rafael Vincent Prieto Vertido
    September 2020
  2. Video frame brightness filter
    Matthew Richard Wozniak, Mehmet Kucukgoz, Holly Helene Pollock, Ian Glen Neal, and Rafael Vincent Prieto Vertido
    June 2020
  3. Color-specific video frame brightness filter
    Matthew Richard Wozniak, Mehmet Kucukgoz, Holly Helene Pollock, Ian Glen Neal, and Rafael Vincent Prieto Vertido
    June 2020

Honors Thesis


  1. The Advantages of a Transactional Interface: Porting Applications to TxFS
    Ian Neal
    May 2017